Cube customization

If you don’t want to follow olapy cubes rules and you want to customize your cube construction, you can use a configuration file, you can find the default example in

~/olapy-data/cubes/cubes-config.xml for mac/linux

C:\\User\\{USER_NAME}\\olapy-data\\cubes\\cubes-config.xml for windows

Here is an examples of configuration:

Assuming we have two tables as follows under ‘custom_cube’ folder

table 1: stats (which is the facts table)

departement_id amount monthly_salary total monthly cost
111 1000 2000 3000

table 2: organization (which is a dimension)

id type name acronym other colums…..
111 humanitarian humania for better life  

you can use a configuration file like this to construct cube and access to it with excel:

# if you want to set an authentication mechanism to access cube,
# user must set a token with login url like '
# default password = admin
xmla_authentication : False

# cube name <==> db name
name : custom_cube
#csv | postgres | mysql ...
source : csv

# star building customized star schema
facts :
  table_name : stats
    departement_id :

  measures :
    # by default, all number type columns in facts table, or you can specify them here
    - amount
    - monthly_salary

# star building customized dimensions display in excel from the star schema
  #  IMPORTANT , put here facts table also
  - name : stats
    displayName : stats

  - name : organization
    displayName : Organization
    columns :
      - name : id
      - name : type
      - name : name
        column_new_name : full_name