
Install from PyPI

You can install it directly from the Python Package Index:

pip install olapy

Install from Github

The project sources are stored in Github repository.

Download from GitHub:

git clone git://

Then install:

cd olapy
python install


Before running olapy, you have to initialize it with:

olapy init


OlaPy is configured to run units and integrations tests suites. Before running tests, make sure you have installed all development requirements with:

pip install -r dev-requirements.txt

and then run:


Test other databases

The default database used with tests is sqlite, if you want to run tests against mysql or postgres, you need to install the appropriate driver and export a connection string like this

export SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = { dialect+driver://username:password@host:port/database }

take a look to SQLAlchemy documentation for more information.


After Olapy initialization, you can take a look to olapy-data folder located under:

~/olapy-data                       for Linux/Mac user

C:\User\{USER_NAME}\olapy-data     for Windows

This folder contains some required files to configure olapy and some demo cubes under /cubes folder, we will deeply discuss about this in the Cubes and Cube Customization