NOTE: this part is working only with Python 3.5+.

OlaPy ETL can be used if you have an excel file (one sheet) contains all your data in order to let OlaPy make necessary transformations relative to its rules on your data.

To use OlaPy ETL, after installing OlaPy with python setup.py install use the following command:

etl --input_file_path=<EXCEL FILE PATH> --config_file=<CONFIG FILE PATH> [OPTIONAL] --output_cube_path=<PATH WHERE TO GENERATE THE CUBE>

config_file describe how to create the cube, here an example of the configuration file, consider this excel sheet:

Count Continent Country Year Month Day
84 America Canada 2010 January 2010 January 1,2010
841 America Canada 2010 January 2010 January 2,2010
2 America United States 2010 January 2010 January 3,2010

and we want to divide it into three table, we use a configuration file like this:

Facts:      [Count] # just measures
Geography:  [Continent, Country]
Date:       [Year, Month, Day]

and you save it as yaml file (.yml).